Thursday, October 30, 2008

More letters to the editor

Alder committed to protecting lands

I am excited for next Tuesday's elections. As Washington County residents we will head to the polls and cast our votes for the next leader of our nation. But just as important, we will head to the polls and choose the next leader of our county.

I am voting for Lin Alder for Washington County Commission because of his commitment to protect the public's right to use public lands, because of his commitment to develop solar and wind power energy as a way of diversifying and vitalizing our economy, and preventing dirty coal-fired power plants from polluting the air we breath.

I am voting for Alder because of his commitment to creating affordable, reliable and practical water supplies, and his belief that if we spend millions of dollars on an unreliable pipeline that the people paying for it should get a vote.

I am voting for Alder because of his past work and future plans to insure a Dixie with smart planning and development. Next Tuesday, vote for the man working for the people of Washington County. Vote for Lin Alder.

Sara Dykman

Candidate offers fresh perspective

First as an outsider, then a "snowbird," now a full-time resident, I have come to love Southern Utah and the diversity of people I meet here. Now, as one happily transplanted from "up north," I hope to share an opinion with your readers.

I've been greatly impressed during this political season to find someone of enormous integrity, commitment and intelligence willing to seek office as a Washington County commissioner. As we all know, a commissioner is no easy job. I refer, of course, to Mr. Lin Alder, homegrown, who is passionate about the land - its history, its people, its promise.

Washington County, now more than ever, stands in need of energetic leadership. These are not the times and this is not the election to be afraid of fresh ideas and solutions. Lin Alder impresses me as someone who would provide wise decision-making. Specifically, I mention his education in natural resources, his world exposure as a photographer, his unflagging commitment to the area - even unto bicycling the route of the Lake Powell pipeline in recent days.

I find him well-equipped for a job too big to trust those whose actions may impose heavy tax burdens on a county already challenged with a burgeoning population.

Ivy Ruckman

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